Donald Trump gets grifted

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Water seeks its own level. And it looks like the waters have turned stormy for a certain group of people. Donald Trump has always surrounded himself with the lowest common denominator. Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell. We’re not talking about people who are pillars of society.

And a group Trump is closely aligned with is The American Freedom Tour. This group has proven helpful to Trump by organizing speeches and activities for the insurrectionist. And now they’re broke. That’s right. The American Freedom Tour, in the spirit of the one they work for, can’t pay its bills.

The Washington post had this to say: “The American Freedom tour started last October, staffing glitzy events around the country that resemble Trump rallies but sell tickets. The tour has had a slate of problems including angry investors, speakers, and vendors who have not been paid, according to people familiar with the situation, who like some others spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal details.”

And according to the Post, some of the unpaid investors are considering legal action against the company. But the most interesting aspect of this story is one specific person who has reportedly yet to be paid for their contribution. That is Donald Trump himself. As Crooks & Liars put it: “I’m not sure which is funnier: A grifter getting grifted or that these people thought they’d get paid. It’s a toss-up.”

I suppose that’s what happens when grifters grift. Sometimes they find themselves out-grifted. That would definitely seem to be the case here. The irony of this story is remarkable. Water sought and found its own level here and this time Trump seems to be the one who got burned.

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