Donald Trump gets desperate

ALERT: we need to raise $1976 to continue our fight against Trump. We must push back as aggressively as possible. Click here to donate what you can.

Rumors are much like the world of cyberspace. They’re intangible, unable to be touched, and often drift around, out of sight. And right now, there are rumors galore — about Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. Rumor has it that Trump is becoming increasingly angry — at the popularity of Ron DeSantis.

And some rumors say Trump wants to “stick it” to DeSantis — and is exploring the idea of announcing a Presidential bid — in Florida — at a venue close to DeSantis. And reportedly, the possible motivation is to show DeSantis “who the boss is.”

I usually am not one for idle gossip — but I hope such talk is true. Let’s break this down. Trump WILL NOT run in 2024 — but of course, he wants people to THINK he would. And one other, even more an important factor in all this — Trump, being a malignant narcissist — hates it – when others get attention. And DeSantis has been getting lots of it.

So yes, I could see these rumors being true. Trump’s ego would likely never let him endorse DeSantis. The fact that DeSantis will likely never be the Republican nominee in the first place does not seem to matter to Trump. And for me? There isn’t anything I would like better than to watch this play out.

These are two narcissistic, cowardly, power-hungry madmen. How I hope this happens! The two could possibly take each other down, and there would be no more sweeter justice than that, in my opinion.

And there is something else. Surely everyone knows Trump will never endorse ANYBODY for President. He, of course, won’t endorse a Democrat. But support someone ELSE on the Republican side for the job that HE lost? The job he could not get rehired at? Never!

He could never do it because his ego means far more to him than the Republican party and their fate. Can you imagine Trump — in 2024 — enforcing a Rubio or a PENCE? Not that those two are likely to be the nominee. But my point is — Trump’s damaged ego would never permit it.

He’d have to have at least a bit of humility — and as we know, Trump and humility never have and will never meet. So, let the battle of the madmen commence! I for one would watch with interest, hoping that in the spirit of madmen everywhere, the two destroyed each other.

ALERT: we need to raise $1976 to continue our fight against Trump. We must push back as aggressively as possible. Click here to donate what you can.