Donald Trump freaks out about having to run against Kamala Harris

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How does Donald Trump feel about having to run against Kamala Harris? Suffice it to say that he’s very, very unhappy – and rather frazzled. Trump freaked out on social media today, insisting that Harris “has absolutely terrible pole numbers against a fine and brilliant young man named DONALD J. TRUMP!” Uh, where do we even start with this?

First, there are no polls that have Kamala doing “terrible” against Trump, so he’s making that up. Also, Trump is apparently so rattled that he’s forgotten how to spell again, going with “pole” instead of “poll.” But that’s the least of his problems.

Trump is now referring to himself as “young” – which tells you all you need to know about how defensive he’s suddenly become about his age. Trump is an elderly confused man who frequently displays symptoms consistent with dementia, and now he’s facing an opponent who’s in her political prime.

How frazzled is Trump about all of this? He’s reduced to referring to his opponent as “Lyin’ Kamala Harris” because he can’t think of anything. This is the same dull nickname that he’s already recycled against numerous people on both sides of the aisle. Trump is clearly out of gas, while Kamala Harris is revving up. Donate $20 to Palmer report via GoFundMe

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