Donald Trump face plants on Sean Hannity show

We know evil begets evil. That is as clear as daybreak. And sometimes — people do not want to believe in evil. Or perhaps they DO believe in it, but they do not want others to have the PERCEPTION of evil. Such is the case with Sean Hannity of Fox Non-News.
Hannity has proudly proclaimed himself a Trump supporter. He is also Trump’s friend — or at least as much of a friend as one can be with a man like Trump. So it stands to reason that Hannity would try to help out a friend in need. And this is what Hannity tried to do on Thursday on Fox.
Speaking with his orange “friend,” Hannity desperately tried to do damage control with Trump’s public image. Per Raw Story, Hannity, the Public Relations specialist, appeared to want to get the Donald to say negative things about Putin. This tactic did not go over well with the object of the PR campaign for all the reasons one might expect.
“You came under some fire when you said Vladimir Putin’s very smart,” Hannity said tentatively. “I think I know you a little bit better than most people in the media,” the desperate Public Relations specialist went on. “And I think you also recognize he’s evil, do you not?”
It was apparent what Hannity was trying to do. But when one is dealing with an unstable and red-faced evil child, a bad seed of the umpteenth degree, one should know that things might not quite go as planned.
Trump refused to answer. Instead, he did what Trump does best — talked about his own unwavering “brilliance.”
“He’s calling it an independent nation,” the child squealed. Trump proceeded to say that perhaps Putin’s personality has changed. “But I will tell you,” Trump continued, “He (Putin) wouldn’t have changed if I were dealing with him; he wouldn’t have changed!”
Putin has not changed. He’s the same monster he’s always been. This whole exchange left Hannity with egg on his face which isn’t really anything new for him. And his attempt at rebranding Trump failed miserably, much like Trump himself.