Donald Trump embarks on bizarre new impeachment strategy that he can’t possibly win

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On Thursday, Donald Trump retweeted a random follower who claimed that Trump hadn’t actually been impeached. It was in amongst a series of dozens of rapid fire retweets, and at first we weren’t sure if it was intentional. Was Trump actually trying to claim that none of this House impeachment business even happened? But now we’re clearly seeing that this was intentional, and Trump was trying to lay the groundwork for making the case that he somehow magically hasn’t been impeached.

As of Thursday evening, Donald Trump’s allies in the media are now in promoting the claim that he hasn’t actually been impeached by the House, because the House hasn’t yet sent the articles of impeachment to the Senate. This isn’t how anything works, of course. But at this point Trump doesn’t appear to be trying to save himself, so much as he’s trying to delude himself into feeling better about his failed and shattered presidency.

Sure, Donald Trump might be able to convince his deranged base that he somehow hasn’t actually been impeached; these idiots already believe that he’s built an imaginary wall. But his terrible poll numbers make clear that he’s not currently in contention for the 2020 election. To climb into contention, he’ll have to find a way to win over millions of people who currently are not inclined to vote for him. And he’s not going to do that by pretending he hasn’t been impeached.

We need to raise $1,621 to continue the fight against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can.