Donald Trump continues to screw up the midterms for the Republicans

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Mo Brooks is an idiot. We have all known that for some time. Apparently, the voters of Alabama are starting to get that as well since his candidacy for senate is taking a nosedive. Brooks is, of course, a Trump acolyte, yet another good reason for him to lose. He is embroiled in battle with Mike Durant, an Army veteran, and Katie Britt, who is a former aide to the retiring senator from Alabama, Richard Shelby. Shelby decided early on to throw is support to Britt over Brooks, and according to Politico, he is staying true to his word.

Politico reported that Shelby is making a move at the best possible time to transfer up to $6 million from his campaign funds into a super PAC that will support Katie Britt. Shelby told Politico that he will do everything in his power to ensure that Britt makes it through the primary to a runoff at the very least. Shelby’s backing must be helping, as Britt is doing well, even as Mo Brooks is slipping into oblivion. Republicans thought Brooks to be a “shoo-in,” but things are looking a little differently for him now.

Already lagging in the polls, Brooks recently appeared on a local radio talk show and had some things to say that irked Donald Trump. According to CNN, Brooks has “softened” his stance on the 2020 election being stolen from Trump. That lie is all Trump lives and breathes, and for one of his endorsees to dispute his mantra could prove deadly. Gabby Orr of CNN reported that Trump has been “seething over Brooks’ lackluster campaign performance,” and has been seeking an “exit strategy.” Trump hates to lose. That hatred is what started the big lie in the first place. He had to make up an excuse for his own lackluster performance in office, which is what took him out, not any so-called voter fraud.

Because Trump hates being a loser, Newsweek echoed CNN that he is considering pulling his endorsement of Brooks. According to that piece, the latest poll shows Brooks in third place behind Katie Britt and Mike Durant, with Durant having a very slight lead over Britt. That might well change once Shelby pumps $6 million into her campaign. The funny thing is that Trump has been bragging about his chosen candidates, and Brooks is throwing a monkey wrench in things. Hate it for him. Newsweek also reported that Trump, in an interview with the Washington Examiner, said that he was “disappointed” because Brooks let up on the big lie. Trump further said: “If it meant what he sounded like, I would have no problem changing my endorsement because when you endorse somebody, you endorse somebody based on principle. If he changed that principle, I would have no problem with doing that.” Poor little Trumpy. He still thinks someone is looking for him to lead, something he was completely unable to do during his term in office. Hopefully, these losses will continue for Trump and get him out of politics for good.

Dear Palmer Report family: we need $2833 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.