Donald Trump completely disconnects from reality after his criminal indictment

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Over the weekend Donald Trump claimed to know that the Manhattan District Attorney had dropped the criminal case against him. This proved false when the grand jury went back into session 48 hours later. Trump then claimed to know on Wednesday that the grand jurors were refusing the District Attorney’s request to indict him. This also proved false when the grand jury indicted him the very next day.

Donald Trump has always been a constant liar and a fabulist. But this is different. At this point the things that are coming out of Trump’s mouth are desperate, specific, obviously false claims that don’t help his position in any way and keep ending up being immediately proven false for all to see. These false claims don’t help him in terms of public perception, or in terms of controlling the narrative. It’s just making Trump look foolish, weak, and not in control of anything that’s happening around him.

We don’t know if Trump is spreading these kinds of false claims in the desperate hope that they might somehow tilt things in his favor, or if he’s hallucinating these things in an effort to convince himself that he’s off the hook, or if the people around him are telling him these false things to try to keep him pacified.

But regardless of why Donald Trump is saying these kinds of things, the words that are coming out of his mouth are now 100% removed from anything that’s actually going on, or anything that can be expected to happen. At this point he’s just spouting make-believe. There is no reason to give even 1% credence to anything that he claims is happening or will happen.

At this point the only reason to even monitor Trump’s words going forward is to see what he gives away about his own psychological condition, and to see what he might accidentally give away in the process of melting down. But nothing that he says should be taken at even conditional face value. The media should not assign credibility to Trump’s claims just because he’s a former President. That’s irrelevant, given that he’s now a current criminal defendant.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer