Donald Trump calls in to Sean Hannity show and reveals just how far gone he is

Whenever Donald Trump has occasionally appeared in public over the past year, it’s served as a reminder of why Trump’s handlers have so rarely allowed him to appear in public: his mind is mostly gone. Whenever Trump speaks publicly, he makes clear to the general public that he’s nowhere near having the cognitive abilities to be a factor in 2024 or anything else.
Tonight Trump reminded us all of this yet again when he called in to the Sean Hannity show, to try to steer the public’s attention away from Trump’s worsening criminal troubles, and instead smear Joe Biden. The trouble: even as Hannity spoon fed Trump a narrative, Trump couldn’t figure out how to play along.
Hannity said this about Biden’s efforts in office: “You keep banging your head against the wall — why would you expect a different result?” Trump responded with this: “So, we would have the wall completed in 3 weeks. It was largely completed. We did almost 500 miles of wall.” No really, this happened. There’s video:
Here’s the video of this
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 21, 2022
That’s right, when Hannity said “banging your head against the wall” in an obviously metaphorical capacity, in clear reference to Joe Biden, Trump thought Hannity was talking about the border wall that Trump never did get built. Not only is Trump unable to understand what’s being said to him, he’s also so clearly stuck in the distant past that he’s still obsessed with his own failures such as the imaginary border wall. Trump’s mind is gone.