Donald Trump begins canceling interviews after flaming out after consecutive dementia episodes

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After spending his “town hall” last night standing there listening to music, and giving a rambling answer today about Virginia when he was asked about Google, Trump is now canceling his upcoming interviews – including one he had scheduled with CNBC. That’s not surprising. His dementia symptoms have gotten exponentially worse this week.

This is coming at the worst possible time for Trump, given that there are only three weeks remaining in the election and he’s behind. Do his handlers give him a few days of rest and then send him back out there and hope for the best? Or do they shut him down entirely, knowing how bad that would look?

This is a no-win situation for Trump and his babysitters. We all knew Trump would soon reach a point where he couldn’t be in public. We just didn’t know how soon. It turns out “how soon” is right now.

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