Donald Trump appears to doze off during his own cabinet meeting

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When Donald Trump was running for office last year, he was exposed to the public eye multiple times a day, nearly every day. Accordingly, the cameras often caught Trump appearing to doze off at his own events, including the Republican National Convention. It was clear that there was something very wrong with Trump’s health.

Now that Trump is in office, he’s far less exposed to the public eye. His babysitters are keeping him hidden for most or all of each day, and so we haven’t seen him doze off in awhile. But during Trump’s first big cabinet meeting today, he very much appeared to fall asleep:

It’s not just that Trump has ceded the presidency to an unstable Elon Musk. It’s that Trump can’t even stay awake during the meetings that Musk is running. Trump very much appears to be in end stage dementia. You have to wonder how much longer he’s going to last.

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