DOJ confirms in letter to Congress that it’s indeed investigating Donald Trump

The DOJ just confirmed in a letter to the House Oversight Committee that it’s investigating Donald Trump for having taken classified materials with him when he left office. This comes days after news of this investigation leaked out to the media.
Almost hilariously, the Washington Post, which broke the story, decided to go with the misleading doomsday headline “DOJ rebuffs Democrats’ request for inventory of Trump’s boxes.” Of course the article goes on to sheepishly admit that the DOJ cited its ongoing investigation into Donald Trump as the reason it had to rebuff the Democrats’ request.
This is the kind of ratings-driven doomsday spin from the mainstream media that we’re all up against these days. The DOJ confirms in writing that it’s criminally investigating the former President of the United States – a historic development – and the media thinks the big picture story here is ‘Democrats fail to get their hands on some boxes.’
Of course the media doesn’t really believe that. But the more positive the news, the more negative of a spin the media feels it needs to put on that story, in order to scare and outrage you into staying tuned in.
Meanwhile back in the real world, this news is indeed a big deal. Keep in mind that this DOJ probe into Trump stealing classified documents, and the House Oversight Committee’s corresponding probe into Trump stealing classified documents, are an entirely separate matter from the DOJ’s January 6th probe and the January 6th Committee.
Two weeks ago we all learned that the DOJ has secretly had a January 6th grand jury targeting Trump world for months. Accordingly, the January 6th Committee seems less certain that it needs to send a criminal referral against Trump to the DOJ, given that it’s already investigating him for January 6th – something that the media is also largely spinning in inaccurate doomsday fashion.
The bottom line is that Trump is under DOJ criminal investigation on at least two fronts – January 6th and stealing classified documents – with the former having been confirmed by the media and the latter now confirmed by the DOJ itself.
The DOJ didn’t want either of these two ongoing Trump probes to become public yet. The January 6th grand jury only became public because a Trump world subpoena recipient went running to the media. The classified documents probe only became public because Congress made a document request and the DOJ had to explain why it had to turn it down.
How many more angles of investigation does the DOJ have going into Donald Trump? Given that these two probes were both secrets that weren’t supposed to get out, the odds are strong that the DOJ has a whole lot more probes into Trump than just these two. But hey, no need to focus on this massive news when we can instead settle for mainstream media headlines like “DOJ rebuffs Democrats’ request for inventory of Trump’s boxes.”