DOJ appears to be investigating Erik Prince after all

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Three weeks ago a major Austrian newspaper reported that notorious international operative Erik Prince had been criminally indicted for arms dealing violations. At the time we weren’t sure if anything would come of it, and so far nothing has, at least publicly. We were also left wondering if this might prompt the U.S. to get involved in the arms investigation, but if that’s happened, nothing has come out about it. But now there’s an interesting twist involving Prince that might be pure coincidence, yet is nonetheless intriguing.

Over the past couple weeks the DOJ has been subpoenaing people around Erik Prince in relation to an alleged plot that began in 2018 to infiltrate the DNC and influence the 2020 election. This news about the subpoenas is being reported by CNN, which says that the investigation appears to be based on a 2021 New York Times article which first covered the alleged plot.

So why is the DOJ just now sending out subpoenas about an alleged plot that started five years ago in an attempt at influencing an election that took place three years ago, after the media first broke the story two years ago? We have no idea. It’s just really interesting that the DOJ apparently launched a probe into Erik Prince just one week after Austrian media claimed that Austria had indicted Erik Prince. Stay tuned. There just might be something going on here.

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