Donald Trump’s doctors try to pull a fast one with dexamethasone

On Saturday, Donald Trump’s doctors insisted that while he had been in poor shape on Friday, he was now doing well. Palmer Report predicted that they would try the same routine today: they would insist that while Trump had been in poor shape on Saturday, he was now doing well. Sure enough, that’s what they did today.
It’s now clear that Trump’s doctors are trying to paint a picture of gradual daily improvement, by waiting a full day to announce each new piece of bad news, and then insisting he’s now past it. For instance, today they admitted that Trump’s oxygen level dropped unacceptably low yesterday. But wait a minute, didn’t they tell us yesterday that Trump’s was doing fine yesterday? Now they’re telling us he’s doing fine today. We suppose we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out whatever went wrong with him today.
In any case, the big piece of news today is the admission by doctors that Donald Trump is now taking the steroid dexamethasone. If you ask medical professionals, they’ll tell you that suggests that Trump’s doctors fear coronavirus is starting to get into his lungs. It could be that they’re seeing actual evidence of this, or it could be that they’re just being overly cautious. But this is generally the stage where the coronavirus seems to be vacating the patient’s throat, and it either moves to his lungs or it doesn’t.
Trump’s doctors are talking about the possibility of discharging him tomorrow. Even if the virus ends up not taking root in his lungs, he’ll be nowhere near healthy for awhile, as tends to be the case with most coronavirus patients who get this sick. He could be discharged and rely on the White House’s mini-hospital for further treatment and monitoring. But it’s difficult to imagine him being well enough to hit the road and resume campaigning any time soon. He’d probably be risking his life by doing so. Then again, if he doesn’t get out there and campaign, and he loses the election as expected, he’s going to prison for the rest of his life anyway – so he may feel he has no choice.
But really, this is a waiting game for now. Donald Trump’s doctors are admitting that he’s still struggling somewhat with his oxygen levels, and that they’re still giving him Resmidivir, and that they’re started giving him dexamethasone. None of this necessarily means that the coronavirus is in his lungs, but suffice it to say that none of it is good news for him.