Donald Trump’s doctor can’t get his lies straight about his latest coronavirus test

After several days of refusing to say when Donald Trump most recently took a coronavirus test or what the result was, Dr. Sean Conley announced this evening that Trump has tested negative on the Abbott test two days in a row. But as always, this doctor is trying to obscure the truth.

For starters, Conley’s verbiage about Trump’s PRR testing suggests that Trump is still testing positive on the more reliable testing scale. So even if he has tested negative on the Abbott test two days in a row, that doesn’t mean much, considering how shockingly often the Abbott test reportedly delivers false negative results.

But here’s the real kicker: Conley is now claiming that Trump has tested negative on the Abbott test yesterday and today. If this were the case, he would have announced yesterday that Trump tested negative, instead of waiting until today. This is a joke, and this doctor can’t even get his lies straight.

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