Sarah Huckabee Sanders holds disastrous Trump press conference

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Despite being the White House Press Secretary and Donald Trump’s primary spokesperson, Sarah Huckabee Sanders had nothing to say yesterday about the explosive developments in Trump’s criminal scandals. But today she decided to step up to the podium and take questions from reporters – and while she took the questions, she didn’t exactly answer them. Instead the whole thing consisted of one farcical moment after another, as she very much seemed not to want to even be there.

At one point Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to make the argument that Donald Trump hasn’t done anything wrong because he hasn’t been charged with anything, conveniently ignoring the fact that his own DOJ holds the position that a sitting president can’t be charged even if he is guilty. Then again, there is no reason that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has to abide by that position, and he can easily ask the Supreme Court to allow him to indict and charge Trump, if he so chooses.

Then a reporter pointed out that Trump is on one tape insisting he never paid off his mistress during the election, and he’s on another tape admitting that he did pay her off. The reporter wanted to know if this means that Trump lied to the American people. Sarah Huckabee Sanders decided that this was a “ridiculous accusation.”

Philip Crowther from France 24 may have best summed it up when he posted this tweet: “Impression from inside the White House briefing room: Sarah Sanders really didn’t want to be here today, and looked pretty fed up. Just an impression from the fifth row.” In any case, we’re left to wonder how much Sanders is going to keep showing up for work. After all, her boss won’t be there all that much longer.

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