Enough with this “Democrats in disarray over impeachment” nonsense

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To hear most (not all) of the pundits tell it right now, the Democratic Party is in complete disarray when it comes to whether or not to impeach Donald Trump, there’s no way for the Democrats to win this, and Donald Trump is somehow now winning. Of course this is what we hear on TV any time the Democrats say or do anything, because the doomsday fear mongering is great for ratings. It’s also a bunch of crap on every level.

If you listen to the House Democratic leadership, whether it be Speaker Nancy Pelosi or the chairs of the three most prominent House committees, they’re all saying some version of the same thing. They’re going to call the key impeachment-themed witnesses to publicly testify, and then they’ll figure out where things are – and they’ll let the facts decide whether to impeach Trump. Some in the Democratic House rank and file are pushing for immediate impeachment, but none of them are criticizing Pelosi for it; they’re simply trying to build momentum for impeachment. It’s clear that Pelosi has the entire thing under control.

Then there are the two 2020 presidential candidates, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, who are calling for impeachment. They’re free to say whatever they want, because they’re in the Senate, not the House, and they’ll play no role in deciding whether to bring impeachment charges – and again, they’re not criticizing Pelosi for her approach.

The reality is that the Democrats have been handed a proverbial bazooka in the form of the Mueller report. Politically speaking, it’s a huge gift. They’re just figuring out how to put it to best use before they pull the trigger. There’s no disarray, there’s no no-win situation for the Democrats. The media shouldn’t be pushing that nonsense at a time when it’s so clearly untrue.

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