Donald Trump’s dirty dozen traitors

Last night we learned that Donald Trump has launched an internal investigation into the identity of the unnamed Trump White House senior official who wrote the op-ed which revealed that Trump is dangerously mentally incompetent. Trump has narrowed it down to roughly a dozen potential suspects within his administration. The remarkable part is that he almost certainly has his list entirely wrong.
Donald Trump has gone so far as to ask if the op-ed author committed “treason” – in all caps no less. Back in the real world, no one believes the author actually violated any laws. Nonetheless, Trump is now proceeding to rip his own administration apart in search of the author’s identity. The Wall Street Journal says that the investigation is being led by Chief of Staff John Kelly, which is comical, considering that Trump has no way of ruling out Kelly himself as a suspect. It gets worse.
Trump is the kind of easily misled narcissist who almost certainly believes the numerous members of his administration who publicly insisted over the past day and a half that they weren’t the op-ed author. So Trump is probably telling Kelly to cross certain people off the list who could indeed be the author. The odds are that this investigation will, by incompetence or design, end up landing on the wrong person or people.
Donald Trump could end up firing innocent people over this, or pushing them into resigning. Even worse, because he appears to have convinced himself that this op-ed was somehow “treason” and a matter of “national security,” he could end up trying to have his final suspect arrested, even though there is literally nothing to have the op-ed author arrested for – and again, Trump will probably land on the wrong suspect. If he’s hunting for “traitors” under his own roof, he should look in the mirror.