Did Donald Trump just part ways with yet another of his attorneys?

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Donald Trump goes through attorneys like the rest of us go through… well, make up your own analogy. He has some of them do his corrupt bidding, only to throw them under the bus when they get caught. He pushes some of them into representing him incompetently, only to turn around and blame them for the predictable failure. And some of them simply quit in disgust.

Now it turns out Trump may have parted ways with yet another of his attorneys. Susan Necheles, who was part of Trump’s defense team during his New York criminal trial, is reportedly missing from Trump’s new filing requesting that his gag order in the case be lifted. Someone like Trump, who is a defendant in several cases, tends to have different attorneys representing him in different cases. But this is something different. Necheles was a key part of Trump’s defense in this trial. Now where is she?

We’ll see how this ends up playing out. But it will not be at all surprising if it turns out Donald Trump has indeed parted ways with yet another attorney. Trump was found guilty in his criminal trial because 1) he was plainly guilty, and 2) he pushed his defense team into an inept trial strategy. But of course Trump has to blame someone other than himself for his every failure.

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