Devastating news for Greg Abbott

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It turns out Ron DeSantis isn’t the only prominent Republican Governor who’s in real danger of losing reelection in 2022. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has also seen his poll numbers falling of late, thanks to his bumbling corrupt nature, and his insistence on clinging to right wing extremist positions (such as his anti-abortion law) that are unpopular with everyone who’s not an extremist.

In fact the latest polling says that 51% of Texans believe Greg Abbott shouldn’t be reelected. This means that more Texans want Abbott gone than the number of Texans who want to keep him, and the number who are undecided, combined. This is a devastating number for him. Yes, it’s just one poll, and it’s the polling averages that tell the story, so we’ll have to see if other newly updated polls in Texas show similar numbers this upcoming week.

But this is still a clear signal that we can defeat Greg Abbott in 2022 simply by putting in the kind of work that puts you over the top in any winnable election: getting people registered, getting out the vote, volunteering, phone banking and data entry (even if you’re not in Texas), and donating to the top Democratic candidate in the race.

Unfortunately, a whole lot of liberal pundits and “activists” still don’t seem interested in winning. When this poll number surfaced earlier today, so many activists raced to be the first to lament about how only 51% of Texans have turned against Greg Abbott, the phrase “Only 51%” began trending atop Twitter.

Hate to break it to the defeatists, but this polling is fantastic news that means we can win if we put in the work, not bad news that needs to be lamented over. Lamenting is for losers. In fact lamenting is specifically how we lose. No one wants to bother putting in the work to try to win an election if all they’re hearing from their own side is defeatism about how there’s no point anyway.

So let’s be winners. The numbers make abundantly clear that we can win in places like Texas and Florida in 2022 if we put in the work. So let’s stop lamenting and losing, and start fighting and winning.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.