Susan Collins just destroyed herself, and Brett Kavanaugh will be on the Supreme Court for a moment – but America isn’t finished yet

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GOP Senator Susan Collins gave a long, rambling, lying, often incoherent, and cartoonishly evil speech today, before announcing that she’s voting in favor of mentally unstable accused serial sexual assaulter Brett Kavanaugh. She just threw away her career, her legacy, and her ability to ever show her face in public again. We may never know why she basically committed suicide today. She just stabbed America in the back in the most awful way possible. But I swear to you – America isn’t finished yet.

There is zero doubt whatsoever that if the Democrats win the Senate in November, they will immediately do two things. They’ll move to impeach Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court, a process which will publicly expose every crime he’s ever committed. They will also criminally refer him for the several counts of perjury he committed during his testimony, all of which are easily provable, along with every other crime he’s been accused of.

Not only will Kavanaugh be off the Supreme Court, he’ll be on trial. From there, the Democratic Senate can hold the seat vacant until a legitimate President of the United States is elected in 2020. This only happens if the Democrats win the Senate. And yes, that’s a realistic goal. Senate Democrats running for reelection currently hold leads in all but one race. Democratic challengers have realistic chances to unseat Republican Senators in Texas, Nevada, Tennessee, and Arizona.

So yeah, this is a brutally ugly day for America. Donald Trump somehow got to Susan Collins, and she decided to throw everything away in her life, for no gain. And now, for at least a little bit, there will be a serial sexual assaulter with extremist views and severe mental problems on the Supreme Court. We’re in Hell. But then again, we’ve been in Hell since Trump conspired with Russia to rig the election. It was always going to get worse before it could get better. The next month is one of the most important in American history. There is only one move left: annihilate the GOP on election day.

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