Desperate Bill Barr begs not to be sent to prison

Here’s a cold hard fact that you don’t hear talked about much: Attorney General Bill Barr is going to prison for several years once Donald Trump is gone, unless Trump pardons Barr on his way out the door. There is a 100% chance that the next iteration of the DOJ will criminally indict Barr for the several acts of felony obstruction of justice he’s committed, both because he’s plainly guilty, and because the DOJ will want to make darn sure no future Attorney General ever even thinks about pulling this crap again.
So if you want to understand what Bill Barr is doing, you have to start with the dynamic that he currently has with Trump. He knows his life is over unless Trump pardons him. Trump knows Barr’s life is over unless he pardons Barr. That means Trump can put all kinds of pressure on Barr to commit even more crimes on Trump’s behalf. At this point Barr can’t afford to say no.
For instance, Trump clearly pushed Barr to find a way to falsify the Department of Justice Inspector General report, so that it supported Trump’s favorite conspiracy theories about how Obama, Hillary, the FBI, the NSA, and Carrot Top were all criminally plotting against Trump’s 2016 campaign. Instead that report came out yesterday and accurately confirmed that the FBI had good reason to investigate Trump’s criminal enterprise of a campaign. In other words, Barr had one big job to do for Trump – and he utterly failed at it.
Bill Barr is now a dead man and he knows it (unless you count spending your final years in solitary confinement as having a life). Barr has to seriously worry that he’s not going to get his magic pardon from Donald Trump. It’s why Barr is now doing mainstream media interviews, desperately trying to convince the public – and more specifically trying to convince Trump – that the IG report says something other than what it clearly says. Barr might as well be holding up a sign that says “Donald, I tried. Please don’t let me die in prison.”