Democrats “will flip the House” in 2024

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In the 2022 election, we heard the words “Red Wave” all day every day for months, but then it simply didn’t happen. Instead the Democrats managed to buck a longtime trend of a new President’s party getting wiped out in the following midterms, and the Democrats came within just a few seats of keeping the House.

Even with the Democrats having the momentum, Republicans just keep finding ways to alienate voters. House Democrat Ted Lieu now says that the Democrats “will flip the House” the 2024:

It’s important to note how outwardly confident Ted Lieu is being with this prediction. When you talk openly about how you’re going to win, it motivates the activists on your side to want to put in the work to win, and it informs voters in the middle that it’s worth their time to go out and vote for a winning cause.

Remember, such winning predictions are just the start of the process of winning. First you state your expectation that you can win and will win. Then you identify the competitive races that will decide the House majority. Then you put in the time and effort to win those races. It’s great to see Ted Lieu and the Democrats getting their winning messaging for 2024 out there already. Now it’s up to all of us (that means you) to donate, volunteer, phone bank, retweet the Democrats running in the most competitive races, and help bring this victory home in 2024.

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