Donald Trump goes off the deep end about his immigrant child cages

Last night Donald Trump desperately tried to distract us from his worsening criminal scandals by picking a fight with Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon of all people. Palmer Report dissected the metrics which demonstrated that his attempt at a distraction didn’t work. Trump seems to have figured that out, as he’s now reduced to his usual last resort: addressing his scandals directly while lying about them in completely unhinged fashion.
Not that Trump didn’t first try his hand at yet another diversion or two, of course. This morning he went back to his old insistence that Trump Tower was wiretapped during the election, a claim that literally not one sane person believes. Then he attacked Red Hen restaurant, making the bizarre suggestion that it get a new paint job. Then he got down to the matter at hand.
Trump posted this tweet, and to be clear, literally not one word of it is true: “Such a difference in the media coverage of the same immigration policies between the Obama Administration and ours. Actually, we have done a far better job in that our facilities are cleaner and better run than were the facilities under Obama. Fake News is working overtime!” He then went on to insist that judges and due process are too much of a nuisance when it comes to immigrants, inventing the new word “manythousands” along the way, a reminder that he’s as illiterate as he is evil.
So where does this get us? Donald Trump knows he can’t distract us from the fact that he’s kidnapped thousands of Hispanic children and locked them inside cages in concentration camps. The American public is far past the point where any such distractions might work. He’s a criminal on the run, he’s taken hostages out of desperation, it’s put him in an even more untenable position, and now he has no idea what to do next. He’s going to prison whether he resigns or not – and he can’t distract or lie his way out of that.