Donald Trump just found a way to make his Kim Jong Un debacle even more of a disaster

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Donald Trump has figured out by now that his bizarre DMZ stunt with Kim Jong Un isn’t garnering him any of the respect he was hoping for, or even serving as much of a distraction from his criminal scandals. We know this because Trump woke up on Monday and went on the offensive, ranting about New York State Attorney General Tish James, instead of continuing to try to milk the DMZ debacle. But don’t worry, because Trump got around to addressing it eventually – and he managed to make the whole thing even worse.

Donald Trump tweeted this about the disaster: “It was great being with Chairman Kim Jong Un of North Korea this weekend. We had a great meeting, he looked really well and very healthy – I look forward to seeing him again soon. In the meantime, our teams will be meeting to work on some solutions to very long term and persistent problems. No rush, but I am sure we will ultimately get there!”

Playing relatively nice with some of the world’s most immoral leaders is sometimes merely an unfortunate requirement of successful diplomacy. But with this tweet, Trump reminded us once again that he doesn’t understand nuances such as “relatively nice.” Nor does he understand concepts like negotiating tactics, bargaining chips, or leverage.

Donald Trump is forfeiting all of these concepts when he tweets things like “[Kim] looked really well and very healthy.” He’s also being just plain grotesque about things, when you consider how brutally Kim treats his own people and how many of them he’s murdered. Trump doesn’t get it, but not only did the DMZ stunt make him look like an idiot, his followup tweet was even more humiliating.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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