“DEAR STUPID PEOPLE” – Donald Trump rings in the new year with his most deranged meltdown yet

Donald Trump isn’t doing very well right now. This mess in Iraq is quickly turning into his own personal Benghazi. He’s deeply unpopular. His 2020 odds are terrible, and he’s going to prison if he loses. Also, he’s just been impeached. So it’s understandable, if certainly disconcerting, that Trump is spending New Year’s Eve having arguably his most deranged meltdown to date.
To give you an idea of how far off the deep end Donald Trump is tonight, he retweeted the same troll account five times in a row – including a tweet that began with the words “DEAR STUPID PEOPLE” in all caps. That’s right, Trump is ringing in the new year by calling everyone “STUPID.” Trump then went on to make clear that he thinks Joe Biden in particular is a “Stupid Person.” Then Trump began attacking the Governor of California and the President of France for no apparent reason.
Trump then almost inexplicably compared his presidency to the “roaring twenties” – seemingly with no awareness that the financial corruption and near-total lack of financial regulation in the 1920s directly led to the Great Depression. Trump falsely took credit for one of President Obama’s accomplishments, and also attacked some other black politicians, just in case anyone forgot he’s a racist. Trump also claimed that he didn’t actually go to one of his golf courses today, after the media watched it happen. But that’s okay, because Trump thinks he can magically get out of impeachment simply by tweeting “Read the Transcripts!” for the umpteenth time.
Donald Trump has no clear way out of this. If we work hard and work smart in 2020, he’ll lose the election – and then he’ll lose his freedom. He knows it too. No wonder he’s going even further off the deep end than ever.