Dean Phillips bites the dust

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Back when House Democrat Dean Phillips decided to mount a primary challenge to President Joe Biden, there was a whole lot of fear and loathing about how it was going to screw up the election. But at the time it seemed obvious that Phillips would merely embarrass himself, have no impact, drop out, and find himself forced to endorse Biden. Sure enough, that’s now happened today.

So what was all that back there? We may never know. Phillips’ behavior during his “campaign” was often bizarre. He would dishonestly criticize Biden on social media, and then troll anyone who called him out for it. Was Phillips confused enough to think he could actually succeed? Did he merely snap?

In the end, who cares? All that Dean Phillips did was unwittingly prove just how popular Joe Biden is, and how unified Democratic voters are behind him. It’s also a reminder that an unpopular fringe candidate like Phillips, no matter how well funded, can’t make a dent. In any case, Biden can now tout the fact that his defeated opponent Phillips has endorsed him. Not that we forgive Phillips for all the headaches. Good riddance.

Dear Palmer Report readers: We need to raise $1926 to keep fighting against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50