Robert Mueller’s deafening silence grows louder

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

Special Counsel Robert Mueller rush-indicted Roger Stone last week, on a day that his grand jury wouldn’t normally have been in session, just so he could arrest Stone before the crack of dawn the next morning. Something happened that prompted Mueller to make a swift preemptive move in a criminal case he’d been building against Stone for the better part of a year. The indictment itself made clear that he was laying the groundwork to indict and arrest someone much bigger.

Of course that was nine days ago, and since then, Robert Mueller has been as silent as ever. Even when he’s making aggressive moves, he still doesn’t speak, of course. But we’re nonetheless in an odd interlude between the proverbial warning shot that was Stone’s arrest, and what comes next. There are some big clues about when, and what, Mueller’s next major move will be.

For instance, two days ago, multiple sealed indictments suddenly surfaced on the Washington DC federal court docket. Palmer Report cautioned readers that while the indictments were probably from Robert Mueller, the corresponding arrests might not come immediately. One reason: based on the known timeline for the House Intel Committee transcripts being released to Mueller, the very earliest he could indict anyone for perjury would seemingly be the middle of this upcoming week So these new indictments either aren’t against Donald Trump Jr, or they are against him but they don’t include his House Intel Committee perjury. The latter is possible but would be weird.

In any case, the key overriding clue here continues to be that Robert Mueller made a sudden move to indict Roger Stone for conspiring with WikiLeaks, even though the rest of the very broad criminal case against Stone clearly isn’t finished yet. This means Mueller decided that he needed to immediately establish the Stone-WikiLeaks criminal conspiracy for the purpose of indicting other people in it. A shoe like that doesn’t drop without another one dropping, and soon. But for the moment, the silence is growing deafening.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report