Donald Trump, the dead boxer, the third rate reporter, and the drugged up loser

Donald Trump spent Friday ranting on Twitter about a nonexistent person named “Wendy” and her “Pakistani mystery man” while also misspelling his new nickname for James Comey, and twice getting Robert Mueller’s title wrong. In terms of sheer inept unhinged demented lunacy, he didn’t think he could top it on Saturday. Sure enough, it turned out we underestimated him. By the time the day was over, you needed a decoder ring to figure out what he was talking about.
First came Donald Trump’s pre-dawn rant in response to a New York Times story about Michael Cohen flipping on him. Trump attacked the reporter in question, Maggie Haberman, while predictably spelling her name wrong. He then accused one of her named sources of being a “drunk/drugged up loser” which is new territory even for him (Haberman later stated her belief that Trump was referring to Sam Nunberg and not Roger Stone). It turned out Trump was just getting started.
Even as the television cameras were showing Melania Trump enjoying herself a little bit too much while in the company of President Obama yesterday, Trump began tweeting about how he was considering pardoning boxing legend Jack Johnson, who has been dead for nearly seventy years. Trump claimed that Sylvester Stallone of all people gave him the idea, but we suspect it was more related to the fact that Obama famously declined to pardon Johnson. We’re left to wonder if Trump even knows that Stallone isn’t really Rocky the boxer, and if Trump knows the difference between Jack Johnson the boxer and Jack Johnson the singer. It got worse.
For the first time ever, Donald Trump tried posting his three-part rant about Michael Cohen as a single thread which go live all at once – as opposed to posting the parts one at a time. This quickly went wrong. By the afternoon, when Trump was angrily insisting he’s never heard of the cartoon character Mr. Magoo, he was inadvertently posting one unrelated tweet in reply to another. Trump can’t use technology correctly, or use words correctly, or use his brain correctly.