Donald Trump is having a day from hell

When Donald Trump decided to bail out to one of his golf resorts last night, it was a sign that he was more interested in running away and sulking than he was in sticking around and trying to fend off his worsening criminal scandals. Sure enough, in the hours since he skipped town, just about everything has gone wrong for Trump that could go wrong – and then some.
For starters, a pair of federal judges delivered a pair of crippling blows to Donald Trump’s racist agenda against immigrants. First a judge struck down Trump’s insane notion that it was the legal responsibility of the ACLU to reunite the immigrant children he’d kidnapped with their parents. Then a judge ordered that DACA be fully reinstated. But this was just the beginning of Trump’s troubles for the day, because his criminal scandals took a series of sharp turns that were anything but good for him.
One of Paul Manafort’s own people testified that she helped him cook the books in order to hide his income. This should all but seal Manafort’s fate. It means we’re probably now just three to four weeks away from Donald Trump’s campaign chairman being convicted on multiple felonies. But Robert Mueller was also busy in other ways. Today we learned that Roger Stone’s friend Kristin Davis, who was previously convicted for running a prostitution ring, voluntarily met with Mueller’s team earlier this week. So now we may be looking at Stone getting indicted and arrested just as Manafort is being convicted.
Yesterday, Donald Trump was already so frazzled that he endorsed the wrong candidate and then had a meltdown about Vladimir Putin. Today, in the midst of one of his worst days yet, he’s so far gone, he simply ended up tweeting “The media are good news fire extinguishers!” Huh?