Donald Trump’s social media guy Dan Scavino is in big trouble after all

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Four weeks ago, Palmer Report pointed out that the Donald Trump administration had seemingly picked a new fall guy in the Trump-Russia scandal. Trump’s Social Media Director Dan Scavino was suddenly thrown into the fire in two different ways within a matter of days, suggesting he was the next to be sacrificed as Trump and his inner circle struggle to survive the scandal. Now it turns out Scavino is in big trouble after all, at least in the eyes of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Officially, Scavino’s job is simply to run Trump’s social media. He writes the generic promotional tweets that appear on Trump’s account, announcing events or plugging video clips. But it appears he may have been unofficially doing much more. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, now says that Scavino “may have corresponded with Russian nationals regarding Trump campaign social media efforts” according to a new Mother Jones report (link). So what does she know that we don’t?

That’s not yet entirely clear. But let’s take a look at the two strange instances in which Dan Scavino was pushed to the forefront in December. First there was the report that after Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with Russian government representatives, his pal Rob Goldstone – who set up the meeting – continued to communicate about it with Scavino (link). Why Scavino of all people? No one knew at the time.

Then came Kellyanne Conway’s assertion that after Donald Trump’s attorney supposedly wrote an incriminating tweet, it was Dan Scavino who worked with the attorney to get the tweet posted to Trump’s account. So according to Trump’s allies, Scavino was a point man for Trump-Russia communications, and he was working with Trump’s Russia attorneys. Is Scavino dirty, or is the Trump campaign trying to set him up as a scapegoat? The Senate appears to know the answer, and it’ll come out eventually.

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