With Nikki Haley dropping out of the Republican Presidential race, the time is now for some of her voters to consolidate around President Biden. And make no mistake: Many of these voters WILL get behind Biden. This is because many of them are never-Trumpers. Exit poll after exit poll has shown that they have no intention of voting for Donald Trump.
It certainly does not help Trump that he verbally trashed her supporters. This will not endear them to Trump.
President Biden has already started wooing them. In a message on social media President Biden said the following: “You don’t have to agree with me on everything to know MAGA extremism is a threat to this country. We need everybody on board — join our campaign.”
And I predict most of them will. President Biden is moving into the general election mode. We must do the same.
You know that lovely expression “written in the stars?” This means that what happens in this world is controlled by fate. And to an extent, that’s true. However, not entirely because we also have free will.
So that means we have the free will to work for what we want, to show our love of democracy by pouring our blood, sweat, and tears into reelecting President Biden — and ensuring democracy is here to stay.
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