Creepy weirdo Donald Trump just put candy on a kid’s head instead of putting it in the kid’s trick or treat bag

Dear Palmer Report readers,

We all understand what a dark era we're heading into. Journalists will be prosecuted. Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Even the internet itself and publishing platforms may be at risk. Advertising networks can't be counted on. But Palmer Report is nonetheless going to lead the fight, because someone has to.

In that regard we're looking to start funding our 2025 operating expenses now, so we can keep publishing no matter what happens or how dark things get. We've launched a reader supported fund, and we've already raised $3360 and counting. I'm asking you to contribute if you can, because the stakes are just so high. You can contribute here. Thank you in advance.
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

On a day when Donald Trump’s criminal scandals got even uglier, and the impeachment process against him became more formalized, Trump still finds himself tasked with carrying out the traditions of the job of President of the United States. He very rarely does any of those job duties, but it turns out he did decide to give some candy out to some trick or treaters. We’re not entirely sure how to describe this, except to say that Trump put the candy on a kid’s head.

Video footage shows Donald Trump engaging with a kid dressed in a Minion costume by patting him on the flat head of his costume, and then by setting a chocolate bar on the kid’s head. Melania Trump then tried to validate the weird creepy thing that her husband had just done, by also putting a candy bar on the kid’s head. The two candy bars then promptly slid off and landed on the floor. Donald was so focused on the Minion kid, he appears to have completely ignored the kid dressed as Spider-Man in line in front of him. Watch this bizarre video of the incident:

This is a very small thing in comparison to Donald Trump’s numerous criminal scandals, of course. But it’s a reminder that, in addition to everything else that’s wrong with the guy, Trump is some kind of creepy weirdo whose cognitive abilities appear to be worsening by the day.

Dear Palmer Report readers,

We all understand what a dark era we're heading into. Journalists will be prosecuted. Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Even the internet itself and publishing platforms may be at risk. Advertising networks can't be counted on. But Palmer Report is nonetheless going to lead the fight, because someone has to.

In that regard we're looking to start funding our 2025 operating expenses now, so we can keep publishing no matter what happens or how dark things get. We've launched a reader supported fund, and we've already raised $3360 and counting. I'm asking you to contribute if you can, because the stakes are just so high. You can contribute here. Thank you in advance.
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report