Brett Kavanaugh’s story just found a way to get even creepier

In the days since Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape, we keep finding out more about Kavanaugh’s background – particularly when it comes to how he’s viewed women over the years. Yesterday we learned that three years ago, Kavanaugh said “What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep” during a speech to law students. If that was indeed a hint about just how much he has to hide, we’re now seeing even more of it surface.
First comes the revelation in today’s Yale Daily News that while Brett Kavanaugh was a student there, he belonged to a club called “Truth and Courage” which was informally known by the offensive name “Tit and Clit.” Kavanaugh also belonged to a fraternity which (years after he graduated) was eventually banned by Yale after its members chanted “No means yes, yes means anal” in front of the University Women’s Center. But that’s only the half of it.
The other half of today’s ugliness also comes from Yale, but deals with the period of time after Brett Kavanaugh became a judge. According to several news outlets, a Yale law professor would tell female students that if they wanted to land a clerkship with Kavanaugh, they would need to do themselves up in “model-like” fashion. This means that, well into adulthood, Kavanaugh was choosing young women for his legal team primarily on the basis of their physical appearance. This of course raises the question of whether Kavanaugh tried to do anything to these young women while they were clerking for him.
The bottom line is that Brett Kavanaugh’s story keeps getting creepier by the hour. He was a creep toward women (and an alleged attempted rapist) when he was in high school. He spent college joining groups whose specific goal was to be as creepy toward women as possible. He’s spent his time as a judge continuing to be creepy toward women. As Ford prepares to testify against Kavanaugh, how many more similar stories will come out over the next few days?