Creeper vibes

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Certain people bring with them, wherever they go, an aura around them, a stench, if you will. This “aura” usually conveys the message: “I’m creepy.” You’ve seen it, of course, certainly. In your own lives. Perhaps there was a person — or people — that your gut instinct whispered to you to stay away from. You might not have known SPECIFICALLY why you felt that way. You only knew that you did, that the person or people in question gave you creeper vibes. JD Vance is one of those people.

It is no big surprise, really, that Vance is not liked. The American people are far more intelligent than either Vance or Trump ever give them credit for. But the amount of creeper vibes the man gives off has surprised this writer.

This is because the creeper vibes are daily now; if I were to write an article about EVERYTHING Vance has said or done to alienate the American voter, my essay would be over a thousand pages long. It simply KEEPS happening every day, for better or for worse, forsaking all sanity, as creeper vibes fill the air around Vance.

In his latest snafu, Vance has creepily compared the subject of immigration to eating a big sandwich. This isn’t a joke.

A “really big sandwich that’s too big for your mouth.” GROSS — utterly gross analogy. On Thursday, Vance was speaking in Pennsylvania. He was asked about the National Guard being deployed to deport all the people Vance and Trump are smacking their lips over deporting.

So here is the Metaphor Vance used to answer the question. “The first thing you have to do is stop the bleeding,” Vance explained, adding that we have 20 million “illegal immigrants here”- a figure Vance appeared to pluck out of thin air as there is no data suggesting that.

So here comes Vance at his most disgusting:

“Well, that’s a really big sandwich.”

“It’s 10 times the size of your mouth.”

“How are you going to possibly eat the whole thing?”

(Oh God.)


“Well, you take the first bite, and then you take the second bite, and then you take the third bite,”

“And that’s how you approach the 20 million illegal aliens who are here.”

Can I say it?


As I said at the start of this essay, certain people have an aura about them, a vibe, a quality that seems to say to the average person: Run. Run far. “Run to the hills. Run far away. FAR, far away.”

I shall end this piece with my own food metaphor. Say you have two meals before you. One is lovely, well put together, smells great and is just what you ordered.

The other one is burned to a crisp. It’s also unappealing, uninspiring, and looks like it belongs in the trash bin, not at your table. What do you do with that forlorn looking meal? You send it back of course! You send it back to where it came from — and you never order it again.

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