Donald Trump is cracking up on a whole new level

We’re at the end of a week which saw a far-right antisemitic lunatic shoot up a synagogue, a far-right racist try to shoot up a black church, and a Donald Trump supporter try to assassinate Donald Trump’s political rivals while driving around in a Donald Trump themed van. The question was whether Trump would finally take a hint and ramp down his violent rhetoric and hate speech. The answer: of course not. Instead he’s ramping it up to a whole new and scary level.
The MAGA bomber’s fourteen intended victims included the Obamas, the Clintons, Maxine Waters, John Brennan, and various other Democratic political figures who have been falsely accused of crimes by Donald Trump. Also on the list: billionaire George Soros, who has spent a good amount of money over the years funding Democratic political candidates, and billionaire Tom Steyer, who has recently spent a lot of money on TV ads pushing for Trump’s impeachment.
This afternoon Donald Trump posted this on Twitter: “Just watched Wacky Tom Steyer, who I have not seen in action before, be interviewed by Jake Tapper. He comes off as a crazed & stumbling lunatic who should be running out of money pretty soon. As bad as their field is, if he is running for President, the Dems will eat him alive!” That’s right, Trump is viciously and dishonestly attacking one of the people who was nearly murdered this week by one of his own supporters.
During an event at the White House on Friday, Donald Trump railed against “globalists” – a century old code word for Jews – and some in the audience yelled “George Soros” in response. They then chanted “Lock him up” and Trump repeated it. What stands out here is that Trump is melting down the hardest about the two billionaires on the MAGA bomber’s hit list. Trump has always been insecure about his net worth, which is far lower than he claims.