Coward Mike Pence runs and hides as Donald Trump circles the drain

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The pressure is mounting on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Donald Trump from office. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the majority one House Republican, and two Republican Governors are now calling for Trump’s immediate removal.

But even as the pressure mounts, Mike Pence is apparently running and hiding from his responsibilities for now. Chuck Schumer has announced that he tried calling Pence earlier today, but Pence’s people left him on hold for a long time, before informing Schumer that Pence wasn’t willing to take the call.

It’s beyond absurd that the Vice President of the United States would refuse to take a call from the leader of the Senate, particularly about such a crucial matter, in the midst of an unfolding crisis. Mike Pence is playing the role of coward right now. But as the pressure for the 25th Amendment mounts in the coming hours and days, perhaps Pence will realize that he has to take action if he wants any kind of public life at all after this.

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