Confused Donald Trump posts the talking points on social media that he was supposed to use in the debate

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If you’re working for a cognitively impaired political candidate like Donald Trump, you have to feed him talking points before he goes out in public, and cross your fingers that he’s able to stick to them. Trump has been increasingly wandering off from his talking points of late and telling stories about sharks instead, so tonight’s debate could be truly rough for him.

That said, things just got even stranger. Trump just made a social media post that starts off with “Mr. President, I am sure that a climate question will come up during your debate this week and I suggest the following talking points – Andrew Wheeler.” The post then goes on to list off Wheeler’s talking points.

This is bizarre. It’s bad enough that Trump is being fed talking points about climate change from a coal lobbyist. But getting confused and posting those talking points to social media? Now Trump can’t even pretend that the talking points are his words. Trump is becoming so cognitively impaired it’s scary.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: