Donald Trump is in a confused defeated haze behind the scenes and wants it all to be over with

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Donald Trump is now guaranteed to be named the loser of the 2020 election; it’s just a matter of time, and the results won’t be particularly close. In public, Trump has been insisting that he’s going to keep fighting the result until the bitter end. But behind the scenes he’s reportedly falling apart.

New reporting from New York Magazine tonight reveals that Donald Trump is so spun around and confused, he didn’t even understand that by calling for the vote counting to stop, he was calling for himself to be declared the loser; his handlers had to explain it to him. But it’s even worse than that.

One of Trump’s advisers is telling NY Mag that Trump “wants to lose. He’s out of money. He worries about being arrested.” In other words he’s given up and he wants it to be over, even if he hasn’t necessarily admitted it to himself yet.

It’s also notable that Donald Trump is afraid of being arrested. That’s a very valid fear, considering the widely documented New York grand jury that’s in the process of criminally indicting him on state charges. It serves to underscore Palmer Report’s expectation that Trump will spend the transition period focused on trying to give himself the softest landing possible when it comes to the criminal trials he’ll eventually face.

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