Confirmed: Donald Trump really did steal nuclear secrets

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Shortly after the DOJ had the FBI carry out a search and seizure warrant at Donald Trump’s home to recover classified documents he stole, it was reported that the Feds had been looking for nuclear secrets during the search. But it never was revealed whether or not they’d found nuclear secrets in Trump’s home. We’ve been waiting for that other shoe to drop, and now it has.

The Washington Post is reporting tonight that the Feds did indeed find a “document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities” at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Even though we all knew there was a good chance this news was coming, it’s nonetheless stunning to see it actually being confirmed.

More to the point, this Washington Post reporting is being phrased very definitively, suggesting it’s coming from actual DOJ higher-ups who actually know what’s going on, and not mere gossip from lower level DOJ people who are just guessing. This suggests that the DOJ, as an organization, made the decision to tell the media about finding the nuclear secrets at Trump’s home. Why would it do this?

When Trump had one of his own appointed judges rule in favor of having a special master oversee the sorting of the seized evidence, it created a number of absurdities. First, the evidence has already been sorted, so there’s no sorting process to oversee. Second, very few people would even have the clearance to serve as special master in a case where the evidence is classified. It’s why this ruling is unlikely to last long at all before it’s overturned.

But the revelation that the seized evidence includes foreign nuclear secrets makes clear that literally no one could serve as special master. There are only a tiny handful of people in the country who would be allowed to look at such documents, and they’re in the government.

So it’s possible that the DOJ made the calculated decision to tell the media about finding nuclear secrets in Trump’s home so that either this idiot judge will realize she’s in over her head and back down, or the appeals court will realize that it must instantly overturn the special master nonsense so that the most important and sensitive criminal investigation in history can proceed.

Or maybe the DOJ has simply had enough of Donald Trump’s antics, and has decided that since he wants to try this criminal case in public, it’s going to seize the narrative back from him by letting everyone know that he’s a traitor who stole nuclear secrets before it arrests his ass.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer