Confirmed: DOJ is targeting Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani, and Trump world in relation to Capitol attack

Dear Palmer Report family: at this crucial time in our nation's history, we're ramping up our fight against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. We're adding staff. We're expanding our publication schedule. We're working with activist groups to coordinate messaging. We're not giving up without a fight. Our fight requires resources. We need to raise $3,938 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.

When major newspapers publish lengthy articles about political scandals, the good news is that they often contain crucial pieces of inside information that no one else has been able to uncover. The bad news is that these articles are typically put together by trading editorial favors with inside sources, and are thus often presented in a manner that borders on fiction.

Now that the DOJ has arrested the entire Oath Keepers leadership for seditious conspiracy in relation to the January 6th Capitol attack, the media fallout is underway. This has led the Washington Post to publish a piece which is one of the most dishonestly constructed major newspaper articles in recent memory, yet still manages to give away a key piece of crucial information. Notably, the one important revelation in the article manages to disprove the premise of the entire rest of the article.

The article is titled “The Justice Dept. alleged Jan. 6 was a seditious conspiracy. Now will it investigate Trump?” It goes on to loudly insist that the DOJ is not investigating Trump or Trump world, but offers no actual evidence of this. Instead it’s written almost entirely from the point of view of alleged January 6th participants and their defense attorneys, all of whom are claiming innocence. It also quotes some potential witnesses within the Trump regime who say they haven’t been contacted by the DOJ about any investigation into Trump. But this is meaningless because the probe wouldn’t have reached this point yet anyway.

The WaPo article also includes the usual round of attention-seeking legal experts who like to put on a good show of ringing hands about how our democracy is going to die because nothing is being done. But then the article goes on to admit that when it comes to the DOJ, “much could be happening in secret.” So even this article is admitting that the legal experts it’s quoting are full of it, because no one knows for sure what the DOJ has going on behind the scenes.

Well, actually a handful of people do know what the DOJ is up to. The entire premise of the first thirty paragraphs of this WaPo article is that if the DOJ were investigating Trump world, we’d know it, because well, the DOJ would be asking other January 6th figures for information about them. But in the thirty-first paragraph, the article reveals that according to an attorney representing several Oath Keepers, the DOJ is “interested” in “close Trump allies Rudy Giuliani and Roger Stone.”

Oh, so the DOJ is investigating Donald Trump’s inner circle in relation January 6th. It only took the Washington Post thirty-one paragraphs to drop this major bombshell, after having first spent thirty paragraphs trying to vaguely scare everyone into believing that it’s not happening.

This is just weird, and yet par for the course. Major newspaper articles of this type always come off as having been constructed like Frankenstein’s monster, with one misleading paragraph being inserted here because a source demands that a certain slant be presented in exchange for inside information, and then another paragraph further down the page that confirms the real truth, buried so deep that the source perhaps won’t bother to read that far and thus won’t end up being pissed off.

In any case, while this Washington Post article is a painful reminder that journalism is dying in much the same way that they want us to believe democracy is dying, it’s almost worth having to slog through this kind of misleading agenda-driven nonsense just to get the bombshell confirmation that the DOJ is targeting Rudy Giuliani and Roger Stone in relation to January 6th.

Given Roger Stone’s close ties to the Oath Keepers on January 6th, this strongly suggests that the DOJ’s arrest of the Oath Keepers leadership this past week was indeed about getting to Roger Stone. It also suggests that the ongoing DOJ criminal probe into Rudy Giuliani, which included a raid of his home last year, also includes his role in January 6th.

This comes on top of Mike Lindell’s claim this weekend that his bank is forcing him to close his accounts in relation to a subpoena threat from the Feds, and it’s becoming clear that the DOJ is targeting Donald Trump’s inner circle from all sides. If the DOJ is going to indict Trump, it’ll do so by first indicting and flipping one or more members of his inner circle. The process we’re seeing play out right now is exactly what it would look like. This doesn’t prove that the DOJ will indict Trump. But it overwhelmingly disproves the popular legal pundit claim that the DOJ has decided not to go after Trump.

Dear Palmer Report family: at this crucial time in our nation's history, we're ramping up our fight against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. We're adding staff. We're expanding our publication schedule. We're working with activist groups to coordinate messaging. We're not giving up without a fight. Our fight requires resources. We need to raise $3,938 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.