Donald Trump confesses

On Saturday, while sending out various tweets to help with midterms, the “very smart” genius, according to his own estimation (consider his crowd estimation skills), “President” Donald Trump appears to have conceded that the Russians did in fact interfere in the 2016 presidential elections.
Trump tweeted: “Rumor has it that Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana is paying for Facebook ads for his so-called opponent on the libertarian ticket. Donnelly is trying to steal the election? Isn’t that what Russia did!?”
No, that is not what the Russians did, at least not what is front and center. But the astonishing point that is lighting up Twitter is the last sentence, which we are sure will later be explained away, but in which Trump is making it very clear that he believes that Russia was involved in “trying to steal the election.” The “genius” is at his best, so smart that his Freudian slips now emerge on a regular basis. Special Counsel Robert Mueller might add this tweet to his growing mountain of evidence.
Trump has been interjecting in a variety of races, panicking that the blue wave is hitting. In another tweet, he just plain lies to get his base scared: “Arizona is such a Great State but it needs Border Security which Martha McSally will provide, and [Kyrsten] Sinema doesn’t even think about. If it were up to Sinema – drugs, crime and illegal traffic will be flowing into Arizona at an ever increasing pace. Vote for Martha!”
Everyone can rest assured, no candidate for any office is encouraging or would permit increased “drugs, crime and illegal traffic” to flow, and the tweet is more filthy lies from the #FirstLiarOfTheUnitedStates. The cop killer Bracamontes, whom Trump featured in an ad accusing Democrats, was actually released from prison by Joe Arpaio for unknown reasons, and had last come back into the country during President George W. Bush’s administration. Arpaio was Trump’s first pardon. So, who is soft on crime and drugs and illegal trafficking is clear. But the real news, the real facts, point again and again to the Republicans and Trump.

Daniel is a lawyer writing and teaching about SCOTUS, and is the author of the book “The Chief Justices” about the SCOTUS as seen through the center seat.