Donald Trump just basically conceded again

At this point I’m hesitant to post too many of Donald Trump’s tweets here, now that he’s lost and he’s mostly just tweeting delusional nonsense about how he magically won. But this new Trump tweet in particular seems to give something away:
“Another Vaccine just announced. This time by Moderna, 95% effective. For those great “historians”, please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took place on my watch!”
Yes, Trump is being as racist as ever. And of course he’s lying about deserving any credit for this vaccine. But here’s the thing. If Trump thought he still had any chance at magically remaining in power, he wouldn’t be worried about whether he gets credit for things that are happening on his way out the door, because he wouldn’t be expecting to head out the door.
In other words, this is basically another concession tweet. This comes after Trump tweeted “He won” about Joe Biden yesterday and then tried to clumsily walk it back. Trump knows it’s over. The only people who don’t are his gullible fans who keep funding his imaginary election legal defense, and those on our side who are too burned by the past four years to be able to see the reality that he’s finally been defeated.