Rudy Giuliani gets his comeuppance

Rudy Giuliani has worked so hard to screw up Donald Trump’s legal prospects over the past month by going on television and making one ridiculous confession after another, those who want to see Trump ousted should probably be rooting for Rudy to keep working seven days a week. But Giuliani did take a day off today. After all, it’s Memorial Day, and it’s his birthday. So how did that go for him?
Remember back in the post 9/11 era, when Rudy Giuliani was the Mayor of New York City, and he was beloved for how he handled the aftermath? That was a long time ago. For instance, back then, Rudy could still speak in complete sentences. These days Giuliani is a mealy mouthed pariah who is in danger of being prosecuted for his strange role in the Trump-Russia scandal, as well as his even more strange involvement in the Reza Zarrab criminal case. But Rudy still had New York and 9/11 right? Not so much, if today’s incident is an indication.
Giuliani decided to attend a New York Yankees game today. It’s one of the most quintessential New York City things you can do. But when the Yankees announced that Giuliani was in attendance on his birthday, the crowd began loudly booing him, according to a New York Daily News report. That’s not surprising: Donald Trump has always been widely despised by his fellow New Yorkers, and now that Rudy has made himself the face of Trump’s criminal scandals, New Yorkers have no love for him either.
Politicians get booed all the time, and the normal ones can just shake it off. But as we’ve seen over the past month, there’s nothing normal, and arguably nothing stable, about Rudy Giuliani these days. His only remaining calling card was that some New Yorkers thought he was a hero in the 9/11 aftermath. Today surely drilled into his head that, as he continues to destroy himself on Donald Trump’s doorstep, even that’s now gone. Will it serve to further shatter what’s left of Rudy’s broken psyche?