Comedian who pranked Donald Trump on the phone now says the Secret Service is targeting him

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Over the weekend, former Howard Stern show personality “Stuttering John” Melendez revealed that he had called up the White House and managed to trick Donald Trump into believing that he was Democratic Senator Bob Menendez. Now the comedian claims that the Secret Service has contacted him in response, which could have serious implications when it comes to Trump’s desire to silence or punish his detractors.

Melendez posted this tweet on Sunday evening: “Breaking: Secret Service contacted me agent [sic] & wants me to meet with them tomorrow. Stay tuned, Avenatti, can you come with me?” He then added “I am meeting with the Secret Service tomorrow at 10am. @MichaelAvenatti I need your help.” Two hours later, he tweeted “I have just spoken to my new attorney Michael Avenatti who has agreed to represent me on this. Stay tuned.” Some people initially assumed that Melendez was joking.

But then Michael Avenatti quoted John Melendez’s tweet and added “Instead of wasting time on this, Mr. Trump should focus on the numerous other things that are of a greater priority. Letโ€™s start with reuniting over 2,000 children with their parents immediately.” While Melendez is a comedian and a prankster, Avenatti is a serious attorney, and we can’t imagine that Avenatti would be going along with this if it were a joke. That means the Secret Service really is bringing in Melendez simply for making a prank call to Trump.

We have full faith in the integrity of the Secret Service and the honorable manner in which it does its job. But we also believe that the public deserves answers as to why the agency is targeting John Melendez simply for calling up the White House and disguising his voice. Did Donald Trump and/or his political advisers order the Secret Service to target Melendez in retaliation for having humiliated Trump? Is Trump doing this try to scare the general public? This is eyebrow raising on a number of levels.

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.