Cognitive Dissonance

I want to point out the hypocrisy of what is going on right now, both in the news and with Republicans. It is one of the biggest cases of cognitive dissonance I’ve ever seen. Allow me to elaborate.
Republicans have been all over the news saying Colorado Justices are bad! How DARE one state with Democratic Judges throw Donald Trump off the ballot?! This is anarchy! It’s so deeply wrong. They’re practicing activism from the bench! They had NO RIGHT to do what they did, and they made the courts a very dangerous place.
Yep. All this and more has been said by our non-friends on the right who are deeply sick and blowing cognitive dissonance out their noses. Why? Because the GOP seems to have lost its memories. I give you one word. I give you: Mifepristone.
Gee Republicans — have you forgotten? Have you forgotten about a little cockamamie, fanatical republican Judge over in Texas who single-handedly ruled that no woman should be allowed to take the abortion pill?
That case is still around. In fact, the Supreme Court is going to hear it. So what say you, republican HYPOCRITES? If republicans REALLY believe that states do not have the right to make their own decisions, they should immediately denounce the insane Texan Judge who tried to play God and steal women’s autonomy — and their medication.
But we hear nothing — except an ominous silence. This is because, at their core, the GOP has no deep political beliefs about anything. They make it up as they go along, and what is good for the goose is not always good for the gander.
I’m sure, were any Republicans actually ASKED this question, which they ALL should be, we’d get howls that, that’s different. No, it isn’t. Look — you’re either for state’s rights or you’re not.
You can’t be for the state’s rights on decisions you like and not be for the state’s rights for anything else. This however DOES appear to be the GOP’s position. Rules for thee but not for me. No thanks, GOP.