Cocaine is one hell of a drug

NOTE: We still need to raise $900 by the end of TODAY to keep the fight going against Trump. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. We must fight back. Click here to donate whatever you can.

We’ve seen this before, and now that he’s truly on the ropes, we’re seeing it yet again: Donald Trump is exhibiting the key symptoms of someone who’s high on cocaine. He’s agitated. He’s jittery. He’s tweeting frantically in idiotic fashion. If he hasn’t been coked out of his mind today, then we have an even bigger problem, because that would mean Trump is behaving in this manner without being high. So what’s got him acting so coked out this time?

On Friday, Special Counsel Robert Mueller revealed grand jury indictments against thirteen Russians for conspiring to rig the election in Trump’s favor. They were the first to be indicted specifically for conspiring to rig the election. They won’t be the last. It’s all downhill for Trump and his American co-conspirators from here, and he knows it. His Twitter ranting today has been so far out there that it’s Nutty McNutty even by his standards.

There was the tweet this morning in which Trump falsely accused President Obama of something weird with Iran. Then there was the part where Trump suddenly denied having ever claimed that the Russians didn’t meddle in the election, even though we’ve all heard him make that claim too many times to count. That tweet came complete with Trump quoting his own famous remark about the four hundred pound hacker, and quoting most of his own words wrong. Then he retweeted what appeared to be a Trump impersonator account for no apparent reason. Then he called respected Congressman Adam Schiff a “monster” while praising him in the same tweet.

When Donald Trump began acting in this manner during the presidential debates, retired medical doctor Governor Howard Dean and former cocaine user Carrie Fisher both publicly accused him of being high on cocaine at the time. We have no way of knowing for sure if Trump is truly getting high on coke or his psychological failings merely cause him to act in this manner. Either way, he’s once again acting like he’s high. As Rick James once said, cocaine is a hell of a drug.

NOTE: We still need to raise $900 by the end of TODAY to keep the fight going against Trump. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. We must fight back. Click here to donate whatever you can.