CNN is crashing and burning

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” I’m sure most of you have heard this timeless question. Many still debate the answer. However, I want to change the words a bit.

“If a network takes no sides in their reporting and everyone turns them off, do they make a sound?” This network is CNN. I ask this question because recently, the higher-ups at CNN held a town hall meeting where they said proudly they are not in the business of “advocacy.”

They seemed to think this was a massive win. NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF ADVOCACY. Therefore I am doing everything right. I think, dear readers, the problem with CNN is beginning to emerge. They equate “truth” with advocacy.

See, CNN, in recent times, has begun to both sides it to unheard of degrees. This is one of the reasons they’re losing viewers. The right wants only Trump news. But people like us want — the truth.

Telling the truth is very different from advocating. You see, what CNN just doesn’t get is that to tell the truth, one sometimes HAS to push back on republicans. That’s not advocacy. That’s reality.

This is because we do not do what republicans do. We do not attempt to 1984 our voters. We do not say the left is right and the right is left. We do not advocate for criminals or pretend to care about women while making their lives miserable.

If the GOP was as it once was decades ago, then sure. CNN might be successful. But alas, times have changed, and CNN is stuck stubbornly in the past. That is the problem. By equating “advocacy” with truth, they make it impossible to TELL the truth. Why they can’t see that, I do not know.

And I have terrible news. Their ratings have become even worse than just a month ago. My friends — 346,000 viewers in prime time from CNN on Friday, March 17. This is a crisis. And that begs the question I asked at the beginning of this article.

CNN — you might think you are telling the truth. But you’re not. You seem to have no idea what you’re doing. You are that tree in the forest, CNN. Your leaves are fluttering, and the heart and the imagination are being chopped from you. You are falling and failing, and nobody is around to hear you. And what’s worse, there are few by now who cares if you do fail.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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