CNN boss Chris Licht drowns in his own bullshit

It was the annual Upfronts presentation. The audience was primed and ready to hear from the big man himself. And hear from him they did — they heard from him repeatedly — they heard bullshit. CNN CEO Chris Licht was in his element – the Licht bullshit element.
Fact-based journalism Licht promised potential advertisers. That was CNN’s motto — just the facts, please. “When the world needs the truth,” Licht said, “They can trust us to deliver it.” Bullshit.
“We have doubled down on our commitment to you,” Licht told the pool of potential advertisers. “By strengthening the role of journalism in daily life.”
“We’ve prioritized reporting over punditry”, Pinoccio cried out. “To separate the news from the noise.” As advertisers watched in horror. The CEO’s nose began to expand, growing bigger and bigger with each passing moment until it encompassed the whole room. Just kidding.
However, this speech that Licht gave, filled with falsehoods and almost laughably hypocritical, really does show the armpit of journalism. It’s too bad, although I’m sure there were at least a few advertisers in the room who had to muffle their laughter.
“The world relies on those three red letters in times of need,” Licht thundered. Those red letters that say CNN don’t say much these days except for perhaps dispassion. But Licht, after all, needed the advertising. And he needs to play big man, smart CEO.
So yes, these words are what he told advertisers, which are the direct opposite of everything CNN has turned into. And one last note. NewsMax has continued to beat CNN in certain coveted hours. I guess the world does NOT rely on those three red letters after all.