Donald Trump picked a fight with the CIA that he can’t win

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You’re the most corrupt politician in your nation’s history, you’re in trouble, you’re in danger of ouster, you’re in danger of going to prison after that, and you need all the help you can get. We’re not sure what the right answer is for escaping such a quandary, but we’re pretty sure “pick a fight with the CIA” isn’t the correct answer.

Yet that’s precisely what Donald Trump has done here. In fact he’s been doing it for some time. Trump installed his corrupt lackey Mike Pompeo as CIA Director (before later having Pompeo fail upward to become Secretary of State). Trump spent his entire presidency dishonestly attacking the U.S. intel community, putting CIA assets in danger along the way. And then, when a CIA agent filed a whistleblower complaint about Trump, and Trump found out about it, Trump began publicly harassing and threatening that CIA agent.

Now it turns out the CIA General Counsel has made a criminal referral against Donald Trump, according to NBC News. This won’t result in an indictment against Trump as long as Bill Barr is running the DOJ. But Barr’s time appears to be short, and if nothing else, the CIA’s criminal referral will help cement the fact that Trump is going to be indicted and sent to prison after he’s ousted from office.

You can’t call it “revenge” when the CIA is simply doing the right thing by making a criminal referral against Donald Trump in a case where he clearly and egregiously committed a felony. But for the CIA agents and officials who have put up with so much crap from this guy for so long, it’s got to feel satisfying that they’re getting the opportunity to help bring him to justice.

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