Chuck Todd lays an egg

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Like a mischievous raccoon, that just keeps coming back, Chuck Todd will not stop making silly comments. So the January 6th Committee has done what Palmer Report has said it would do all along — stand up for the American people. Subpoenas have been issued to Kevin McCarthy and other House Republicans, and so now we wait — and we commend the committee. At least most of us do.

This story is intended to be a farewell of sorts — to someone who really does need a warm and encouraging farewell. That someone is Chuck Todd. Todd appears to believe the January 6 committee is losing — BECAUSE they issued subpoenas. “This feels like a bit of surrendering in this respect here,” the fake pundit proclaimed. “So they figure let’s try the subpoena route.”

“So is this an acknowledgment that there is really — they know they’re not going to get cooperation, so they’re going to make this hurt?” Note to Todd — there is a reason you were demoted. That reason is comments like these. The committee made the right call — as almost everybody EXCEPT Todd is acknowledging.

Todd is over. One knows it’s bad when one’s work gets called out — even in a comedic way — by an expert comedian at a dinner honoring journalists. It’s the end of an era- the Chuck Todd era. So farewell, Chuckles. I wish I could say it’s been fun. But that would be dishonest.

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